“Developing Nations” is a term that speaks broadly to us in the USA. We think of countries that have been ravaged by war, countries suffering from drought and disease, and countries under ruthless and oppressive government control.

The common theme is an overwhelming percentage of the country’s population that live in poverty.

People need our help just to stay alive. Scores of outside organizations bring hope in the form of food, well water, clothing, medicine, workforce training… and the list goes on. Families and communities find a way to survive by staying close to these outside organizations.

In the long run, how will these communities find independent survival? How does the flywheel start within the community to bring prosperity?

What if young people within the community could be giving the opportunity to get a decent high school education? That’s the perfect start! A high school education in a developing country may take the individual out of poverty, but not provide much more for the family or the community.

Flywheel Scholarships looks to the next step. Ask yourself: What would a college or university education for a young person from poverty do for them and their family? A university education would mean hundreds of additional dollars per month for this person in the job market - enough to bring themselves and their family, or more, out of poverty.